Music has always been associated with emotions. Once you hear it, you can feel sadness, joy, or all of these feelings together! Learn music-based therapies

“Music is a kind of revelation that may be deeper than wisdom and philosophy,” says Beethoven. “Music is the fertile soil for the soul to live, think, and invent.” Beethoven may have summarized the importance of music and its role in a person’s life and how it affects a person and helps him think and be creative. Musical tastes differ among people, there are those who prefer certain types, such as classical music, and there are those who prefer music with a fast, loud rhythm, and there are also those who prefer local music that expresses their feelings and dreams or describes their anger. Whatever type of music a person prefers, one day, he may need it for a purpose that goes beyond mere tasteful listening, such as recovering from a satisfactory condition with music.

Music therapy
Music therapy is one of the oldest types of therapy in the world and is applied by a group of specialists who have studied and practiced music, where music works to stimulate the mind and body to relax or evoke specific feelings and thoughts and contribute to facing them. These therapists rely on their experience in music and their extensive knowledge of different types of musical instruments to reach after the person has examined the type of music that suits them during the treatment stages, and they are also keen to use some of the favorite music tracks for the same person. In some sessions, the therapist plays the patient’s music or shares the play, and the therapist may teach the recipient how to play a machine.

Precise operations
Some experiments have been done on patients who will perform difficult or dangerous operations, such as cardiovascular imaging, or knee surgery. The results of these experiments stated that:
 The patient who listened to the music before entering the operating room was quieter and less anxious than the rest of the patients. The patient who listened to the music inside the operating room was relaxed and did not need high doses of anesthesia.

Music can treat many medical conditions, including:

 Pronunciation recovery
The music helps patients who have had head injuries or a stroke that causes them to lose their sense of speech in the left lobe of the brain. Because, the right part of the brain is responsible for the ability to sing, so doctors use music until the right side of the brain begins to pay attention to music and words and begins trying to send a signal to the left part of it, which in turn sends signals to the tongue to sing and interact with music gradually, after it Initially, he gets acquainted with the melody, and the patient may be able to reach a stage in which he can fully restore his pronunciation.

 Reducing the pain of AIDS patients
Music was used to relieve the pain of AIDS patients in a test applied to a group of patients who feel severe pain, and some of them were feeling permanent pain, and the results showed that listening to some musical compositions reduced their pain and helped reduce their depression and gave patients a sense of their ability to Endure their pain.

 Improving the quality of life for dementia patients
Music is one of the means to interact with dementia patients, as music therapy helps them evoke memories, attitudes, and feelings, reduces their feelings of distress and stress, and bridges the gap between them and people as it helps them to communicate in an easier way.